




Matt is a confident student ,he studies atroyal every day, his vocabulary is rich although he is an Advanced student, heworks hard .I believe he can get more progress.


恭喜Matt! 诺亚之星每月都会评选一次,各校区都有名额哦!被评为“诺亚之星”的学员将获一个月的免费英语课程,以此来奖励那些学习主动,积极性高的学员!


Hello everyone, I’m Matt. t’s my pleasureto have this opportunity to become a Royal Star.


I am very thankful to my SA Cady and my CCYuki. No matter how busy they are, they still remember to remind me of learningEnglish. It is obvious that the practice of helping students is of greatimportance for them.

我很感谢我的SA Cady 和CC Yuki。无论他们多么忙,他们始终记得提醒我学习英语。很明显,对于他们而言,帮助学生是最重要的。

The improvement of students is under liedby the hard-working of the foreign teachers. I believe our teachers areresponsible and kind, such as V, Dave and Tyler. Foreign teachers could notonly teach us English and the foreign culture, but also life philosophy and intellectualpursuit which can cultivate the ability to think critically, to understandothers’ ideas and to defend our own opinions. There is a good atmosphere in RE.

我们在外教老师的帮助之下,在英语上有了提高。我认为这里的老师都很认真负责,例如V, Dave和Tyler。外教们不仅能教我们英语和外国文化,还有人生哲学和求知欲,这些能帮助我们形成批判性思维,理解他人的想法并且保护我们自己的思想。在诺亚,有很好的学习氛围。

I really have learned a lot in RE. Coincidewith the improvement of listening ability has been the increasing ofvocabularies. Besides, I have made many friends, like Knight, Catherine, Bellaand etc. I will take a page from my friends and foreign teachers.

我在诺亚学到了很多东西。随着我听力的提高,词汇量也有了很大的进步。除此之外我还结交到了很多朋友,例如Knight, Catherine, Bella等。我将会不断向这里的老师和朋友们学习。

All in all, I am obliged to RoyalInternational English. In future, I will keep to try my best to learn Englishand improve myself.
