

级别: Advance
兴趣爱好: 游泳、读书、做饭、旅游


Ailsa has studied in Royal for two year.She came here almost every day. She spends lots of spare time to learn and topractice .She has class regularly and takes part in lots of school’sactivities. I am so proud to recommend her to be this month’s Royal Star.

Ailsa 在诺亚学习的两年时间内,几乎每天都会过来学习,上课很规律学习主动,勤学好问,在两年的学习中也是进步明显,很骄傲推荐她成为本月诺亚之星。

恭喜Ailsa! 诺亚之星每月都会评选一次,各校区都有名额哦!被评为“诺亚之星”的学员将获得一个月的免费英语课程,以此来奖励那些学习主动,积极性高的学员!


Hello everyone, my name is Ailsa. I’m very pleased to be the month’s Royal star. I have studied English for two years, and I just upgraded to advancelevel.


I think Royal changed me a lot. Before, I stayed at home with the child; and I found that I was getting out of the society. After I came to Royal, my life became colorful.

诺亚改变了我很多。从前我只是一个一心只为孩子忙的家庭主妇,整天在家,感觉自己仿佛与社会脱节了。 来诺亚以后我的生活变得很丰富,我有了自己的新朋友,每天都会学习新的知识,回家还可以辅导孩子英语。

Royal’s courses are varied and rich. In the morning we have morning reading to correct the pronunciation, we have talking classes in the afternoon and evening to discuss a wide range of topics. Every class is very useful. Teacher’s explanation opened my mind, I constantly find my inadequate. I learned from what I studied.

诺亚的课程非常丰富,从早上的早读,到中午晚上的英语角还有各种基础性课程, 每一堂课老师都饱含激情去诠释,我学到了很多,开拓了眼界,了解到了自己的不足。

I like to stay busy and feel productive. It helps me to rediscover myself. Here I would like to thank my cc Candis, she gives me good guidance. Her encouragement makes me more confident. I also want to thank my tutor Candy, she arranges reasonable courses for me, so that I can keep on learning.

生活变得忙碌了,但是忙碌中也更充实了。在这里我想特别感谢我CC,candis,她总会不时的鼓励我,给我前进的动力,还有我的SA, Candy,她总会为我安排合理的课程,帮助我的学习,让我不断进步。

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous study, one day I can speak English very well.
