01 Work hard.努力地工作。
02 Develop a good sense of prioritization.培养事务优先排序的良好意识。
03 Learn to tune out distractions.学会排除干扰。
04 Learn to work independently.学会独立完成任务。
05 Learn to work collaboratively.学会与他人合作。
06 Learn how to communicate well.培养良好的沟通能力。
07 You can't avoid office politics.你无法避免办公室政治。
08 You learn by listening, not talking.从聆听中学习,而不是侃侃而谈。
09 Always say "Thank You" and "Please" when it is appropriate to do so.无论何时,该说“谢谢您”和“请”的时候就要说。
10 Remember that a job is an inanimate object.请记住,工作是无生命的物品。
11Be herd or be heard. Unless you voice out, nobody will know you exist!要么融入群体,要么鹤立鸡群。你不发声,没有人知道你的存在!
12 Be task oriented, not result oriented.专注任务本身,不是专注结果。
13 Meetings are practical alternatives to working!会议是替代工作的可行方案!
14 Weekends are life savers.周末简直就是救世主。
15 Don't bring negative emotions back home.不要把负面情绪带回家。
16 There is no good time to resign. Only the reason matters.没有该辞职的时机,只有该辞职的理由。
17 Do NOT abuse your employee benefits.不要滥用你的员工福利。
18 Have a plan B, C, D….要有备选方案B,C,D……
19 Spend time to reflect and visualize.多花时间反思和想象。
20 Planning is the key to success.制定计划是成功的关键。