Level: Beginner
Occupation: civil servant
Hobbies: writing, learning English
Self-description: positive, optimistic
她说 She Said Hello everyone! I'm Lily from the beginner level. It's a great pleasure that I can be the royal star of this month.大家好,我是初级学员Lily,我很荣幸能够被选为本月的诺亚之星。 I couldn’t speak English when I first started, but now I could communicate with my classmates and my foreign friends. I think I have improved a lot.在我开始学习的时候,我几乎不会说英语,但是现在我可以和我的同学以及外国朋友交流了。我觉得我的进步很大。 Because I came to Royal! 因为我来到了诺亚! I’ve always been encouraged in classes and now I have my ways to study English, due to my patient and knowledgeable teachers.因为这些细心的有智慧的老师们,她们总是在课堂上鼓励我,所以现在我有自己的学习方法了。 I told a lot of my friends that I believe Royal is best choice for learning and improving English.我告诉我很多的朋友,诺亚是学习提高英语最好的选择。 Royal is a big family where we can learn English and I believe I’ll get better in the future. If you want to study English, please come to Royal!诺亚是我们学习英语的大家庭,我相信自己的英语以后会学得更好。 如果你也想要提高英文,加入我们诺亚吧! Recommendation Ada | SA Lily is an excellent student in Royal.Lily是诺亚很优秀的一名学员。 She is almost one of the oldest students but she is strict with herself.她几乎是年龄最长的学员之一了,但是她一直严格要求自己。 She always reads the passage again and again and tries to understand every detail what she has learned.她总是一遍一遍的朗读自己学过的文章,并且努力的去搞清楚自己学过的每一个细节。 I think she sets a good example for everyone.我觉得她为每一个人都树立了一个很好的榜样。 What I learned from her is that it’s never too late to study.我从她身上学到的便是学习永远不会晚。 I’m very proud of her. So I recommend her to be this month’s Royal Star.我为她感到骄傲。所以我推荐她为本月的诺亚之星。