Brontes 布龙特斯
Level: Inter
Occupation: Student
奏章 微臣想要说的话: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great honor to be the Royal Star of this month.女士们先生们,这是微臣极大的荣耀成为本月的皇宫之星。 I always dream to have this beautiful title. After all, guys, I can not only hang my weird figure on the blackboard, but also pile my boring saying in the Official Account of Royal.微臣做着春秋大梦想要得到这个芬芳的称号,这样微臣不仅能够被钉在黑板上,还能够把微臣的片面之谈塞进皇家的公众号里。 It’s great to play a role in Royal’s big family, that’s a rare encountered opportunity, here I meet a lot foreign bros, sisters, I try to think things like them step by step, I see the scenery that I’ve never seen in many filed.能够在偌大的皇宫里占据一席之地,真是当世少有的契机,在皇宫里,微臣还遇见了众多来自他国的兄弟姐妹,微臣试着用他们的思维去思考,一步一步,一点一点,微臣就看见了众多山南海北都不得见到的奇妙景色。 Unconsciously, I become active, I dare to sit in the front row, and dare to answer all of the questions bravely although I may not have the perfect solution. Actually, I’m afraid, shivering and sweating all the time, but after expressing all the things that I want fluently, I feel like I’m walking on clouds like a fairy.不知不觉中,微臣变得愈加富有魅力,上朝时敢于跪在第一排。尽管微臣知识浅薄,但是舍了命也要回答诸位兄弟姐妹们提出的问题。 事实是,微臣也害怕到颤抖,冒汗,但是当微臣鼓足勇气,极其流畅的上奏完毕,微臣感觉要上天。 It’s easy to understand that some students may be afraid. That is because unknown things are always full of danger and uncertainties, just like express yourself. I admit it’s dangerous, but you’d admit it’s full of interest accompany with meaningful risk. Furthermore, it’s like a cycle, the more you talk, the more encouragement you will have. Like snowballing, when it gets bigger, all the things will become much easier.有些同僚很畏惧,这很容易理解,未知的事物就像洪水猛兽一般充满危机,不确定,就好像上奏。微臣承认它的危险性,但同时同僚们也要承认它伴随着冒险的无限乐趣。循环往复,上奏的愈多,勇气愈加。如同滚雪球,当它变得愈大,就愈势不可挡。 Please remember, put your hands up when you nervous, it helps you kill the confusion. Teachers will assist you without doubt when you are hopeless. Courage is the key; all the things start when you talk spontaneously.谨记,当诸位同僚紧张时,举起手,杀死疑虑,当你们手足无措之时,兄弟姐们会帮助你们完成上奏。勇气是开口的关键要素,当你开始自发的上奏,一切事情都会迸发。 Finally, thanks to my pretty CC Nicole, and my comely SA Lily. They helped me a lot on my lonely way of learning English, I will die on the half-way without them, they help me on vocabulary’s memory, and teach me to learn in scientific ways.最后,谢貌美如花的CC Nicole,还有清新娟秀的SA Lily,她们帮助微臣不少,没有她们,微臣将会中道崩卒,她们在词库上帮助了微臣了不少,更教会微臣科学地修品。 Unquestionable, I would never forget my bros, sisters (all of my alumnus), big bow for everyone!!!毫无疑问,微臣是不会忘记同僚们的,让我们在修品的大道上越走越远。 It’s a pity that I can be Royal Star for only once, but this is the beginning, I’ll prove my higher ability one day!微臣虽然因为终生只能拿一次皇宫之星而略感失落,但是这只是微臣修品道路的开始,微臣会不断证明自己幂次上升的价值! Hope everyone can gain something from me, whatever it is laugh or progress, big thanks for everyone!!!!!!望众位同僚多少在微臣的乱语中获得收获,不论嘲讽还是精进,诸位捧场令微臣感激不尽!!!!!! Recommendation批阅 He is gorgeous! He is amazing! He is incredible! He is an excellent boy, there isn’t an exact word to describe Brontes, here is a word for Brontes, don’t sell your dreams.他如夜空中的繁星一样璀璨闪耀,无与伦比,即使用尽世间的一切极度美妙的辞藻也无法描述布龙特斯的存在,他不单是简简单单众多六品官员中的一席,更是出奇惊艳的化身,为师这里有一句话需交付于他:切勿将鸿鹄之志付之一炬!